About Me

Simon CooksonCraven Counselling

I am Simon Cookson and I am currently counselling in Skipton Town centre at the Craven Clinic Ltd, High Street, which is down a cobbled alleyway called Mount Pleasant off the High Street.

I have also voluntarily worked at a charity that supports poor and marginalised families and residents in Colne and its surrounding areas.

Prior to becoming a counsellor I worked for many years dealing with and supporting victims of crime and also delivering training to Police Officers both locally and Nationally.

I am a Person Centred counsellor, which means that I believe you are the expert of yourself, you have the ability to become more self aware and make changes should you wish to do so or you may wish to be able to better understand yourself. I will work at providing the right conditions during our sessions to enable you to fulfil this.

I am also interested in a theory of psychotherapy called ‘Human Givens’ which looks at our emotional needs and our innate resources that we all have to help us meet our emotional needs.

Please click here to learn more about ‘Human Givens’.

During our time together I will not be telling you what you should and shouldn’t do – you will no doubt have already experienced being told what you ‘should’ be doing when you really just wanted to be heard.

I will give you the space to explore what you choose, at your pace and when you are ready. I will be non-judgemental, I will not only listen to you but hear you and accept you for what and who you are.

When was the last time you took some quality ‘me time’ for yourself?

I am an Accredited member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and the National Counselling Society (NCS) and as such I work towards and abide by their Ethical Frameworks and professional standards.

Now that you have taken that difficult first step of looking at counselling sites why not contact me and arrange that first session to see how counselling may be able to help.

I have been trained in The REWIND Technique: fast trauma (PTSD) and phobia cure, by The Human Givens College.

Please see the ‘REWIND Technique‘ page for further information on this.

I work with clients fact to face, by telephone or via Zoom.

The clients I work with are Adult Individuals (not couples) who are 18yrs of age and older.